Joyful Herbal Teas

Sometimes we just don’t feel as light and happy as we’d like. Stress, depression, fatigue, poor diet, and other issues can creep in under the radar and prevent us from experiencing the joy we deserve. The good news is that there are several herbal teas that can help dust off your joy potential and get …

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Herbal Tea For Cold Sores

With the stress of the holiday season, weather changes, hustle and bustle, and big energy, many people who deal with the herpes simplex virus find that breakouts are always on the horizon. The good news is that there are some amazingly effective herbal tea for cold sores  that you can use to keep breakouts at …

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The Danger Of Tea Bags

Recently reports from around the world have been surfacing about the potential dangers of using common tea bags. Since a huge percentage of the world relies on convenient pre-packed tea to get their infusions throughout the day, this could be a pretty big concern. Today we’re going to explore what’s being discovered about tea bags …

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