Herbal Tea For Congestion

Feeling chest congestion and tightness in your lungs can be one of the most frustrating and uncomfortable parts of dealing with seasonal illness, allergies, or pollution. Congestion often makes us feel as though we can’t breathe as fully as we should, and that we have to put out a lot of extra energy just to …

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Herbal Tea For Heartburn

Acid reflux, stomach acidity, and heartburn seem to creep up on us at the worst times. Have you ever tried to fall asleep but your stomach has other plans? What about trying to enjoy a meal while struggling through the burn? In the modern day there are many over-the-counter options for dealing with extra acidity, but herbal …

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Herbal Teas For Healthy Teeth & Gums

I know this may sound strange, but did you know that you can effectively use herbal teas for healthy teeth and gums! Sipping on certain herbal teas for healthy teeth and gums bathes your mouth in healing properties while you enjoy the relaxation and enjoyment that only tea can offer. Today, I’m going to introduce …

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Herbal Tea For Cold Sores

With the stress of the holiday season, weather changes, hustle and bustle, and big energy, many people who deal with the herpes simplex virus find that breakouts are always on the horizon. The good news is that there are some amazingly effective herbal tea for cold sores  that you can use to keep breakouts at …

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Herbal Teas For Sore Throats

Whether you count yourself among those who love the winter or despise it, the fact is that more people get sore throats due to illness, stress, and weather changes at this time of year than we like to admit. The good news is that there are many herbal teas for sore throats that will help …

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Herbal Tea For Your Skin

Did you know that you can use herbal tea for your skin to remove signs of aging, blemishes, irritations, and breakouts? Herbal tea can help protect and nourish your skin from the inside and the outside – and I’m going to give you some amazing tips that will help you transform the look and health of your …

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